Capturing the (Game) World: The Photographer’s Guide to Los Santos

The image shows a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. From a first person perspective you look at a rural, forest area. The hand of your avatar holds a simulated smartphone showing a photo of the scene.


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17. Nov 2022


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The image shows a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. From a first person perspective you look at a rural, forest area. The hand of your avatar holds a simulated smartphone showing a photo of the scene.


The Photographer’s Guide to Los Santos

The workshop will take participants on a tour of Los Santos, the simulated version of Los Angeles in the game Grand Theft Auto V. The event will combine a tour of the locations where the most important artistic works of in-game photography have been created, with photographic re-enactment ‘missions’, where the participants will recreate the artworks. Through this hybrid format, participants will learn about different artists and photographic practices within computer games, and will explore first-hand how to document virtual worlds through a simulated smartphone camera.

This is the third workshop of the series ‘Capturing the (Game) World’ about In-Game Photography, a collaboration of C/O BerlinDIGAREC, and ZeM.

Capturing the (Game) World

The series offers insightful talks about the practice, aesthetics, and the history of In-Game Photography as well as hands-on workshops to explore photography in games and in-game photographical techniques.

The image shows a screenshot from Grand Theft Auto V. From a first person perspective you look at a rural, forest area. The hand of your avatar holds a simulated smartphone showing a photo of the scene.


The Photographer’s Guide to Los Santos

Der Workshop nimmt die Teilnehmer:innen mit auf eine Tour durch Los Santos, die simulierte Version von Los Angeles im Spiel “Grand Theft Auto V”. Die Veranstaltung kombiniert eine Tour zu den Orten, an denen die wichtigsten künstlerischen Werke der In-Game-Fotografie entstanden sind, mit fotografischen Re-Enactment-“Missionen”, bei denen die Teilnehmer:innen die Kunstwerke nachstellen. Durch dieses hybride Format lernen die Teilnehmer verschiedene Künstler:innen und fotografische Praktiken in Computerspielen kennen und erfahren aus erster Hand, wie man virtuelle Welten mit einer simulierten Smartphone-Kamera dokumentiert.

Capturing the (Game) World

Dies ist der dritte Workshop der Reihe Capturing the (Game) World über In-Game-Fotografie, einer Kooperationsveranstaltung von C/O BerlinDIGAREC, und ZeM.