Tag: games

Games & Literature. On the literaricity, research, collection, and archiving of computer games

[ENG] Wednesday June 28 2023 – Friday June 30 2023, German Literature Archive Marbach International interdisciplinary conference of the Marbach Weimar Wolfenbüttel Research Association (MWW) at the German Literature Archive Marbach (DLA) In cooperation with:European Federation of Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects (EFGAMP e.V.), DIGAREC – Digital Games Research Center of the University of Potsdam, the Computer Games Museum Berlin, and...

Games & Literature. On the literaricity, research, collection, and archiving of computer games

International interdisciplinary conference at the German Literature Archive Marbach (DLA)28–30 June 2023 In cooperation with:European Federation of Game Archives, Museums and Preservation Projects (EFGAMP e.V.), DIGAREC – Digital Games Research Center of the University of Potsdam, the Computer Games Museum Berlin, and the Foundation for Digital Games Culture DLA Marbach and Computer GamesIn addition to collecting literature in its commonly understood forms,...