The fundamental character of games has been the source of considerable theoretical discussion in the field of emerging field of game studies during the last decade. The lecture will focus the idea that games can most fruitfully be approached in dialectical manner: as particular hybrid phenomena that exists both as certain type of digital media, and as acts or performances within and around them. The philosophical issue of the ‘being’ of games becomes thus re-proposed as a question of methodology into their meaning, use, and cultural significance: if games are what we do with them, think about them, and speak about them, how should we approach them in scholarly practice? Drawing from examples of some recent research projects, the lecture will illustrate the challenges and benefits of doing interdisciplinary and multi-methodological study into games cultures. Are there ways to consolidate the requirements of fundamental research with that of applied, design oriented and collaborative research practice typical of today’s industry and innovation oriented research world?
Professor Frans Mäyrä (b. 1966), PhD, University of Tampere, Finland
Frans Mäyrä has studied the relationship of culture and technology from the early nineties. He has specialised in the cultural analysis of technology, particularly on the ambiguous, conflicting and heterogeneous elements in this relationship, and has published on topics that range from information technologies, science fiction and fantasy to the demonic tradition, the concept of identity and role-playing games. He is currently teaching, researching and heading numerous research projects in the study and development of games, interactive media and digital culture. He has also served as the founding President of Digital Games Research Association, DiGRA. Publications include: Koneihminen (Man-Machine; ed., 1997), Demonic Texts and Textual Demons (1999), Johdatus digitaaliseen kulttuuriin (Introduction to Digital Culture; ed., 1999), CGDC Conference Proceedings (ed., 2002), Lapsuus mediamaailmassa (Childhood in the World of Media, ed. 2005), The Metamorphosis of Home (ed. 2005), An Introduction to Game Studies (2008), and a large number of articles and conference papers.
Contact Frans Mäyrä:
Department of Information Studies and Interactive Media (INFIM)
FIN-33014 University of Tampere
Frans Mäyrä
“The Dual Structure: Experiencing Digital Games in the Intersection of Gameplay and Media”
04.02.2010, 18 – 20h
University of Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais 10, House 8, Room 60/61, 14469 Potsdam
The language will be English and the entry is free.
Any changes of the programme or locations etc. will be published first on This lecture is funded by Medienboard Berlin Brandenburg. Following lectures: schedule.
[only English version available]
The fundamental character of games has been the source of considerable theoretical discussion in the field of emerging field of game studies during the last decade. The lecture will focus the idea that games can most fruitfully be approached in dialectical manner: as particular hybrid phenomena that exists both as certain type of digital media, and as acts or performances within and around them. The philosophical issue of the ‘being’ of games becomes thus re-proposed as a question of methodology into their meaning, use, and cultural significance: if games are what we do with them, think about them, and speak about them, how should we approach them in scholarly practice? Drawing from examples of some recent research projects, the lecture will illustrate the challenges and benefits of doing interdisciplinary and multi-methodological study into games cultures. Are there ways to consolidate the requirements of fundamental research with that of applied, design oriented and collaborative research practice typical of today’s industry and innovation oriented research world?
Professor Frans Mäyrä (b. 1966), PhD, University of Tampere, Finland
Frans Mäyrä has studied the relationship of culture and technology from the early nineties. He has specialised in the cultural analysis of technology, particularly on the ambiguous, conflicting and heterogeneous elements in this relationship, and has published on topics that range from information technologies, science fiction and fantasy to the demonic tradition, the concept of identity and role-playing games. He is currently teaching, researching and heading numerous research projects in the study and development of games, interactive media and digital culture. He has also served as the founding President of Digital Games Research Association, DiGRA. Publications include: Koneihminen (Man-Machine; ed., 1997), Demonic Texts and Textual Demons (1999), Johdatus digitaaliseen kulttuuriin (Introduction to Digital Culture; ed., 1999), CGDC Conference Proceedings (ed., 2002), Lapsuus mediamaailmassa (Childhood in the World of Media, ed. 2005), The Metamorphosis of Home (ed. 2005), An Introduction to Game Studies (2008), and a large number of articles and conference papers.
Contact Frans Mäyrä:
Department of Information Studies and Interactive Media (INFIM)
FIN-33014 University of Tampere
Tel. +358 50 336 7650
Comment (1)
[…] 04.02.2010, 18:00-20:00 Uhr, Universität Potsdam, Am Neuen Palais, Haus 8, Raum 060/061: Frans Mäyrä. Montag, 26.04.2010, 18:00-20:00, Kino des Filmmuseums Potsdam: Lev Manovich. © 2009 […]